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The TES GEN4 is a VCA Approved multi-role Mobile Enforcement system that can be used in Attended, Unattended or Spotter mode. The system can be supplied already built in to a vehicle or be fitted to a suitable vehicle provided by the customer.

In Attended Mode a CEO can use the GEN4’s roof mounted extendable PTZ camera to carry out manual parking and traffic enforcement duties by using the touchscreen to activate the recording equipment to capture evidence. Unattended Mode enforcement route maps are configured and downloaded by the end-user. Using the on-board GPS and ANPR, the system can automatically detect and enforce contraventions.

Examples of contraventions enforced by the GEN4

As well as the enforcement of School Keep Clears, Bus Stops etc. where local authorities have obtained Moving Traffic Enforcement powers, the GEN4 can be used for the enforcement of moving traffic contraventions: –

  • Banned turns.
  • No entries / one way systems.
  • Prohibited vehicles / restricted access.

Evidence can be transferred via USB or 4G to the TES Review System for the review of evidence. TES Review is already integrated with most major back offices including Chipside, Conduent, FGL, Imperial 360, and Zatpark.

GEN4 and TES Review

The TES Review System enables a comprehensive review of CCTV video evidence capture by the GEN4 prior to issue of a notice which is fully integrated with the Imperial 360 notice processing system. The application allows timestamps and evidence packs downloaded from CCTV vehicles to be reviewed and authorised prior to being sent to the notice processing system to initiate the issue of a PCN (Penalty Charge Notice).

  • Multiple users, individual logins, full audit log.
  • Auto and manual upload of evidence.
  • Optional automated look up to check VRM, Make, Colour etc.
  • Contravention list.
  • Authorised lists, vehicles can be added at point of detection.
  • Pixilation tool.
  • Report generator.

GEN4 and Spotter Mode

In Spotter Mode the GEN4 can be used to patrol zones that are Permit, Pay & Display or Cashless parking controlled. Using GPS, the TES Cap software automatically polls authorised vehicle lists as it approaches a controlled parking zone. Any potential contraventions are flagged and sent to the CDM app on the Smart Phone of the CEO / operator for action. 

Typical applications for the GEN4 in Spotter Mode include over staying the maximum time in parking bays, unauthorised parking in a permit parking area, non purchase of a cashless or P&D parking sessions etc.

Detections captured in Spotter Mode can be viewed in real time or retrospectively via the cloud-based TES Compliance Display Map platform, end users can run reports to analyse the detection rate, compliance levels for each parking zone down to bay level.


GEN4 and Compliance Display Map (CDM)

Compliance Display Map (CDM) is a TES cloud-based application that uses GPS tracking and 4G based technology to help manage parking and traffic enforcement activities. The TES ANPR vehicle and Civil Enforcement Officer’s Hand-Held Computer or Smart Phone are registered with the Compliance Display Map so they can be tracked by the system using GPS.

Detailed maps of the Controlled Parking Zones with the corresponding TMO data are created in the system and enforcement areas mapped to ‘parking bay level’ by using the built-in CDM tools or by importing pre-existing council GIS mapping data (polygons) into the system. The mapping is automatically sent to the ANPR vehicles by the CDM server.

All ANPR vehicles and phones registered with the system are displayed on the map showing the area covered by that device.

Using built in GPS the software in the TES ANPR vehicles automatically downloads the authorised vehicle lists (for example residential permits, cashless parking sessions, exemptions etc.) as it approaches a controlled parking zone. The ANPR cameras read the number plates of vehicles parked on route and any vehicles in contravention are flagged up and sent to the TES Compliance Display Map server.

The Compliance Display Map web service identifies the Civil Enforcement Officers working with the ANPR vehicle and sends the details of any potential contraventions to the CDM app on their phone including an image of the vehicle, the VRM and its precise location on street.

The Civil Enforcement Officer then checks the vehicle again, and if required issues a Penalty Charge Notice using their standard operational procedure. They update the ‘Job Status’ on their CDM app (Issued, Compliant, Vehicle moved etc.) so the CDM system is informed of the outcome of the alert.

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