About TES
TES offers a range of intelligent products and tools which are designed to support our clients in meeting their challenging traffic and parking requirements.
For today’s world, there is an ever growing need for effective and efficient technology led solutions. These must assist organisations in carrying out their duties, where high quality CCTV evidence and ANPR data is vital. TES offers a range of proven products which can be deployed to manage a wide variety of services. Typical uses of TES products are:
- Managing and monitoring traffic flow
- Measuring parking compliance
- Community safety and anti-social behaviour monitoring
- Environmental crime enforcement
- Helping to maintain law & order
- Security monitoring
- Street and traffic surveys
Our clients look to TES for systems that others cannot match, and our high profile customer base is a testament to this fact.
Who is TES
TES is an innovative company who have been providing specialised CCTV and ANPR solutions since 2004. Drawing on a wealth of experience in local government Parking & Traffic Enforcement and Community Safety Monitoring, TES combined this with a deep routed expertise in CCTV, ANPR and associated technologies to provide products that support the Traffic and Parking sectors.
TES have an ethos of continual improvement and place a huge emphasis on research and development. The tech team have a range of skills and expertise in the areas of cloud-based software, desktop software, smart phone apps, video analytics and electronics design.
Why Us?
TES have a proven track history of delivering cutting edge solutions. In March 2013, TES won the British Parking Awards that delivered the parking solution for the London Olympic Games, as part of the LOCOG partnership. Our cloud-based Compliance Display Map platform was used by LOCOG transport to manage over 2,000,000 virtual permits for the London 2012 Olympic Games.
Since then the technology has been utilised by Local Authorities all over the UK to manage Virtual Permit Systems / Wanted Vehicles on street and in car parks using TES ANPR Spotter™ vehicles.
In 2016 TES entered the market with their new range of Small Blue VCA “Type Approved” fixed cameras for the enforcement of Bus Lanes, School Keep Clears, Moving Traffic Contraventions etc.
Another award followed in 2019 when Small Blue won the Transtech Air Quality Impact Award with Islington Council. Using an advanced version of the TES Small Blue Enforcement Camera combined with high quality pollution sensors, TES developed and demonstrated a self-funding solution for the management and improvement of air quality directly affected by road traffic in their urban environments.
Our highly skilled and experienced team of people are passionate about the TES product range and we continually strive for improvement and enhancements. This ensures our clients receive the best possible solution and service. As our clients requirements change, so do ours and we work together to ensure that we deliver the highest quality products and the most reliable, efficient and effective solutions for the best possible pricing.
We have all-inclusive purchase or rental options available including comprehensive maintenance and support packages that ensure there are no hidden costs.
The TES Solution
All TES systems designed ‘in-house’ including software and engineering development. TES products used for Civil Enforcement applications are VCA approved where required.
Support and Project staff hold the BTEC Level 3 Advanced Award in CCTV Traffic Management Control Room Procedures.
TES have company wide ISO 9001 and Cyber Security certification.
Since 2004 TES has continuously developed new products in response to client feedback, changes in legislation and the emergence of new technology. The functionality of our systems has expanded over this time and has continually proven to meet real-world needs. Whatever your requirements, TES are able to supply a turn-key solution which includes consultancy, design, configuration, full system training and comprehensive support along with equipment which is VCA compliant.
Our mobile and fixed CCTV systems are complemented with a variety of integrated products (including the award winning Compliance Display Map) which work in harmony with one another to further enhance the service we are able to provide. Our products and applications can simply be connected to provide you with the solution that is right for your specific requirements.